Dr. Jawa’s current research encompasses a wide range of topics, from nonlinear optimization techniques to product design and biomimicry. He has been involved (as PI or Co-PI) in securing more than $10 million in funding from public organizations such as NSF and private agencies such as the Motorola Foundation. He now focuses on developing methodologies for life-centered design and educational approaches toward employing biological nature for effective teaching. His recent use of trees and plants to teach engineering mechanics is considered a groundbreaking initiative by many experts in his field. His research unites engineers and biologists in creating bio-inspired, regenerative designs in engineering.
Selected Publications
- Jawaharlal, M., Stop Teaching: A guide to becoming a better teacher – Manuscript under review. Expected publication date – 2024.
- Jawaharlal, M., MyBot Building Instructions: An Easy to Build Lego EV3 Robot, Kindle Edition, 2017.
- Jawaharlal, M., Lego EV3 Robotics: A Guide for Educators, 2016.
- Vargas, G., Warner, M., & Jawaharlal, M. Analysis of Variable Radius Fillets in Tree Brach, Under Review, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME IMECE), 2023. Accepted for publication.
- Vargas, G., Shaw, R., Robertson, K., Mixon, D., Jawaharlal, M., Mechanical Characterization of Yucca Plant Features for Potential Future Use in Biomimetic Design, Under Review, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME IMECE), 2023. Under review
- Vargas, G., & Jawaharlal, M. Hands-on Experiences for Problem Solving Using Trees and Plants. American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME IMECE), 2018.
- Rigden, Jawaharlal, Ontiveros, & Gutzke. Femineer™: An Innovative and Engaging Program to Empower K-12 Female Students. Frontiers in Education (ASEE), 2018.
- Jawaharlal, M., Vargas, G., & Lorenzo, G. The Plant Kingdom in Engineering Design: Learning From Trees. ASME IMECE, 2017.
- Tsuchiya, N., Nissenson, P., & Jawaharlal, M., A Student Assessment of the Value of a Redesigned First Year Mechanical Engineering Orientation Course. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Pacific Southwest Conference, Tempe, AZ, 2017.
- Jawaharlal, M., Ellingwood, S., & Thokchom, K. Life Centered Design Using Morphological Chart. ASME IMECE, 2016.
- Widholm, S., & Jawaharlal, M. Cassowary Casques for Shock Absorption. ASME IMECE, 2016.
- Jawaharlal, M., Nissenson, P., & Shih, A. A Hands-on First Year Mechanical Engineering Course. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2016.
- Nemiro, J., Larriva, C., & Jawaharlal, M. Developing Creative Behavior in Elementary School Students with Robotics. The Journal of Creative Behavior. doi: 10.1002/jocb.8, 2015.
- Anderson, K., & Jawaharlal, M. Using Cal Poly Pomona’s Blackboard Learning Management Environment to Teach Capstone Design Courses. ELearn 2015, Maui, HI, 2015.
- Casad, B., & Jawaharlal, M. Learning Through Guided Discovery: An Engaging Approach to K-12 STEM Education, Paper # A.C. 2012-3665. ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2012.
- Jawaharlal, M. Developing and Implementing an Effective and Sustainable Engineering Service Learning Program. National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) 12th Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, 2008.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Rezaei, A. Socially Responsible Senior Projects. ASEE Pacific Southwest Regional Conference, March, Flagstaff, AZ, 2008.
- Jawaharlal, M., Larriva, C., & Nemiro, J. School Robotics Initiative: An Outreach Initiative to Prepare Teachers and Inspire Students to Choose a Career in Engineering and Science. ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Reno, NV, 2007.
- Fan, U., Jawaharlal, M., & Monemi, S. Enhancing Experiential Pedagogy with Interdisciplinary Engineering Service Learning Activities. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, Volume 3, No. 2. American Scholars Press, 2007.
- Jawaharlal, M., Rezaei. A., & Monemi, S. Learn and Serve: Design Projects for the Community. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, 2007.
- Yang, S., & Jawaharlal, M. A General Purpose Sensor Board for Mechatronic Experiments. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, 2007.
- Rezaei, A., Jawaharlal, M., Kim, K., & Shih, A. On Development of a Hybrid Vector Statics. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, 2007.
- Kim, K., Rezaei, A., Jawaharlal, M., & Shih, A. Development of Online Hands-On Experiments for a Hybrid Vector Statics Course. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, 2007.
- Jawaharlal, M. Rose Float Design Course. ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Reno, NV, 2007.
- Rezaei, A., Jawaharlal, M., Kim, K., & Shih, A. Lessons Learned from a Newly Developed Hybrid Vector Statics Course Based on Fundamental Concepts and Hands on Experiments. ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Reno, NV, 2007.
- Jawaharlal, M. Entrepreneurial Projects at Cal Poly Pomona. NCIIA 11th Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, 2007.
- Jawaharlal, M., Fan, U., & Monemi, S. Implementing Service Learning in Engineering Curriculum. ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 2006.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Ravi, V. Integrating Context-Based, Just-in-time Activities in a Traditional Design Class. ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Pomona, CA, 2006.
- Leopard, R., & Jawaharlal, M. Statics Visualization Kit. ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Pomona, CA, 2006.
- Jawaharlal, M. Engaging Learners Through Designs That Matter, NCIIA 10th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 2006.
- Jawaharlal, M., Fan, U., & Monemi, S. Enhancing Authentic Learning Experiences Through Community Based Engineering Service Learning. ASEE Pacific Southwest Regional Conference, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, 2005.
- Fan, U., Jawaharlal, M., & Monemi, S. Enhancing Experiential Learning Pedagogy with Interdisciplinary Engineering Service Learning Activities. North China University of Technology, Beijing, 2005.
- Jawaharlal, M., Fan, U., & Monemi, S. Engineering Service Learning and Entrepreneurship Opportunities. NCIIA 9th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 2005.
- Jawaharlal, M., Shih, A., & Schrader, P. Use of Scenario-Based Learning in Teaching Statics. Session 2666, ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2004.
- Jawaharlal, M., Shih, A., Schrader, P., & Elmore, R. Scenario-Based Learning and Multimedia in Improving Engineering Education. ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2004.
- Shih, A., & Jawaharlal, M. Scenario-Based Learning: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Basic Engineering Courses. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, 2004.
- Tavakoli, M., Jawaharlal, M., & Huang. Design for Assembly vs. Design for Disassembly: A Comparison of Guidelines. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Washington, DC, 2003.
- Tavakoli, M., & Jawaharlal, M. Concurrent Teaching of Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2000.
- Ramachandran, P., Farrell, S., & Jawaharlal, M. A Multidisciplinary Control Systems Laboratory. Session 1526, ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, St. Louis, MO, 2003.
- Ramachandran, P., Jawaharlal, M., et al., Teaching Quality: An Integrated Total Quality Management Approach to Technical Communication and Engineering Design. ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Regional Conference, West Long Branch, NJ, pp. 30-34, 1999.
- Ramachandran, P., Marchese, A., Jawaharlal, M., & Schmalzel, J. The Sophomore Engineering Clinic: An Introduction to the Design Process Through a Series of Open-Ended Projects. ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Charlotte, NC, Session 2225, 1999.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Marchese, A. TQM Approach to Design in the Sophomore Engineering Clinic. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No. 98-WA/DE-17, Anaheim, CA, 1998.
- Jawaharlal, M. A Laboratory for Mechatronics Courses. ASEE Conference, Session on Laboratory Development for Mechatronics, Milwaukee, WI, 1997.
- Tavakoli, M., Hammond, G., Jawaharlal, M., & Kowalski, H. Integrating Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing at Sophomore Level. Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 1997.
- Jawaharlal, M., Cameron, T., & Berry, J. Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Mechatronic Experiments. Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 1996.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Berry, J. Mechatronics at GMI. Proceedings of Mechatronics, pp. 78-83, San Francisco, CA, 1996.
- Jawaharlal, M. A Constraint Classification Scheme for Teaching Kinematics. ASEE Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 1996.
- Lundstrom, R., Jawaharlal, M., & Berry, J. Improving Teaching Quality through Total Quality Management. ASEE Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 1996.
- Tavakoli, M., Hammond, G., Kowalski, H., & Jawaharlal, M. Concurrent Teaching of Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing at Sophomore Level. ASME Curriculum Innovation Awards, pp. 12-15, 1996.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Krishnamurty, S. A Generalized Exact Gradient Method for Mechanism Synthesis. Journal of Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 413-421, 1996.
- Krishnamurty, S., Soni, H., & Jawaharlal, M. Branching Determination in Spatial Mechanisms. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Narosa Publishing, pp. 153-167, 1996.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Krishnamurty, S. Determination of Branch Free and Circuit Free Solutions During the Synthesis of Mulitloop Mechanisms, DE-Vol. 70. Proceedings of the ASME Design Technical Conferences, pp. 329-336, Minneapolis, MN, 1994.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Krishnamurty, S. Development of an Exact Gradient Approach for Optimal Synthesis of Mechanisms, DE-Vol. 65-1. Proceedings of the ASME Advances in Design Automation Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 427-432, Albuquerque, NM, 1993.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Krishnamurty, S. Application of the Exact Gradient Approach in Optimal Synthesis of Mechanisms, DE-Vol. 65-1. Proceedings of the ASME Advances in Design Automation Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 433-440, Albuquerque, NM, 1993.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Krishnamurty, S. Using Exact Gradients in Mechanism Design, DE-Vol. 44-2. Proceedings of the ASME Advances in Design Automation Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 53-59, Scottsdale, AZ, 1992.
- Jawaharlal, M., & Arulraj. Integrated Approach to Design and Manufacture of Gas Turbine Components Using Group Theory. Defense Science Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 457-466, 1988.
- Jawaharlal & Shetty. File Secrecy in a Multi-User Environment. Defense Science Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 489-494, 1988.
- Subhas, V., & Jawaharlal, M. Development of Software Package for Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing of Jet-Engine Components Based on Group Technology. Proc. of II National Seminar on Computer Applications in Defense, Vol. 1, 1988.
- Sundar & Jawaharlal. Computer Aided Analysis and Animation of Planar Mechanisms. Proc. of II National Seminar on Computer Applications in Defense, Vol. 1, 1988.